ヘルプ:Recent changes

提供: ひつじ小屋別館2代目
2016年7月24日 (日) 00:25時点におけるしが (トーク | 投稿記録)による版 (1版 をインポートしました)

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移動先: 案内検索
PD Note: When you edit this page, you agree to release your contribution under the CC0. See Public Domain Help Pages for more info.

Recent changes is a special page that lists recent changes in reverse order, with change date and time, change in the page size, user who created the page, and edit summary. It also provides links to patrol these new edits when that feature is enabled.

This feature is accessible at Special:RecentChanges. The page results are adjustable using settings the Preferences section "Recent changes".

This special page can be transcluded, with the first unnamed parameter specifying how many entries should be displayed.


A wiki can be configured with aliases for the namespace "Special" and the title "Recent changes", and those localized versions can be used instead of the canonical ones.

Additional parameters may be used in a comma separated list such as:


Even if a wiki is configured with aliases for the namespace and title, it is not possible to use localized parameters.

parameter value type description
days integer Maximum number of days to display
limit integer Maximum number of entries to display
namespace integer Limit results to the specified namespace
hidebots boolean Hide bots
bots boolean Show bots
hideminor boolean Hide minor edits
minor boolean Show minor edits
hideliu boolean Hide logged in users (LIU)
hidepatrolled boolean Only show pages which have not been patrolled.
hideanons boolean Hide Anonymous users
hidemyself boolean Hide the logged in user's own changes
hidecategorization boolean Hide page categorization

See also
