
提供: ひつじ小屋別館2代目
2013年6月18日 (火) 22:27時点におけるしが (トーク | 投稿記録)による版 (1版)

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Standard deletion template[編集]

Usage: {{delete|reason --~~~~}}

This page puts a bold red warning at the top of the page and adds the page to the Category:Candidates for deletion.

It should be added as the very first line on pages that you believe should be deleted from the wiki. This includes pages that no longer serve a useful purpose, pages whose content may be inappropriate (but which you are not sure about) and any other deletion that is not obviously a candidate for speedy deletion.

Use the template {{speedy|reason}} to speedy delete pages whose deletion would be uncontentious (vandalism, test pages, etc.)

This should not be used on pages that are obvious candidates for speedy deletion (e.g. vandalism, test pages, etc.) and whose deletion would be uncontentious. Use {{speedy|reason}} for that.
