ヘルプ:Special pages

提供: ひつじ小屋別館2代目
2011年11月7日 (月) 23:33時点におけるWargo (トーク)による版 ({{Special page}})

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移動先: 案内検索
PD Note: When you edit this page, you agree to release your contribution under the CC0. See Public Domain Help Pages for more info.
<translate> [[<tvar|SpecialPages>Special:MyLanguage/Help:Special pages</>|Special pages - Help]]</translate> <translate> [[<tvar|MergeHistory>Special:MyLanguage/Help:Merge history</>|Merge history]] • [[<tvar|NewImages>Special:MyLanguage/Help:New images</>|New images]] • [[<tvar|NewPages>Special:MyLanguage/Help:New pages</>|New pages]] • [[<tvar|Preferences>Special:MyLanguage/Help:Preferences</>|Preferences]] • [[<tvar|RandomPage>Special:MyLanguage/Help:Random page</>|Random page]] • [[<tvar|Undelete>Special:MyLanguage/Help:Undelete</>|Undelete]] • [[<tvar|Watchlist>Special:MyLanguage/Help:Watchlist</>|Watchlist]]</translate>

Special pages are pages that are created by the software on demand. They are located in their own namespace Special: and are not editable directly as other pages.

Some special pages depend on the preferences that have been set by a user, e.g. the number of titles which is displayed on a user's watchlist.

List of special pages

Clicking the link Special:Specialpages will take you to a list of all special pages on a wiki. Such a link is often accessible in the toolbox on the left hand panel. Some special pages can be transcluded.

Language: English  • 日本語
