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1行目: 1行目:
<languages />
{{PD Help Page}}
{{TNT|PD Help Page}}
複数のページに含めたい共通するようなテキストがある場合、MediaWiki のテンプレート機能が役立ちます。
複数のページに含めたい共通するようなテキストがある場合、MediaWiki のテンプレート機能が役立ちます。
Unlike extensions and media files, there is no central repository for templates. Templates can be newly written or to save duplicating work already done, exported from another wiki e.g. Wikipedia, and then imported into the target wiki.
== 作成 ==
== 作成 ==
30行目: 31行目:
* <code><nowiki>{{Name}}</nowiki></code> — as described above, this link will be dynamically replaced by the current content of <nowiki>[[Template:Name]]</nowiki> at the time the page with the template link is '''loaded'''. The link will remain unchanged in the page's source.
* <code><nowiki>{{Name}}</nowiki></code>は、それを含むページが取得・表示されるときに<nowiki>"[[Template:Name]]"</nowiki>に保存されている内容を埋め込みます。埋め込まれているテンプレートが後で修正された場合、表示されるページもそれにしたがって更新されます。* <code><nowiki>{{subst:Name}}</nowiki></code> — when this template link is used, it will be replaced once and for all with the content of <nowiki>[[Template:Name]]</nowiki> as of the time the page with the link is '''saved''': a copy of the contents of <nowiki>[[Template:Name]]</nowiki> will be ''substituted'' for the template link. The contents are then a part of the including page, and can be edited normally, separately from the original. ''Note'': changes to the source template page will ''not'' be propagated to the page with the template link.* <code><nowiki>{{safesubst:Name}}</nowiki></code> — this was introduced to allow for substitution that doesn't break transclusion, see [[w:en:Help:Substitution#The safesubst: modifier]].* <code><nowiki>{{msgnw:Name}}</nowiki></code>は、それを含むページが取得されるときに、<code><nowiki>&lt;nowiki&gt;</nowiki></code>のように生のwiki構文として表示する形式でテンプレートを埋め込みます。
* <code><nowiki>{{subst:Name}}</nowiki></code> — when this template link is used, it will be replaced once and for all with the content of <nowiki>[[Template:Name]]</nowiki> as of the time the page with the link is '''saved''': a copy of the contents of <nowiki>[[Template:Name]]</nowiki> will be ''substituted'' for the template link. The contents are then a part of the including page, and can be edited normally, separately from the original. ''Note'': later changes to the source template page will ''not'' be propagated to the page with the template link.
* <code><nowiki>{{safesubst:Name}}</nowiki></code> — this was introduced to allow for substitution that doesn't break transclusion, see [[w:en:Help:Substitution#The safesubst: modifier]].
* <code><nowiki>{{msgnw:Name}}</nowiki></code>は、それを含むページが取得されるときに、<code><nowiki>&lt;nowiki&gt;</nowiki></code>のように生のwiki構文として表示する形式でテンプレートを埋め込みます。
In fact, an ordinary wiki page can also be used as a template, simply by specifying the namespace it resides in, so:
In fact, an ordinary wiki page can also be used as a template, simply by specifying the namespace it resides in, so:
* <code><nowiki>{{Template:ページ名}}</nowiki></code> は <code><nowiki>[[Template:ページ名]]</nowiki></code> を参照読み込みします
* <code><nowiki>{{Template:ページ名}}</nowiki></code> は <code><nowiki>[[Template:ページ名]]</nowiki></code> を参照読み込みします* <code><nowiki>{{Foo:ページ名}}</nowiki></code> は <code><nowiki>[[Foo:ページ名]]</nowiki></code> を参照読み込みします* <code><nowiki>{{:ページ名}}</nowiki></code> は <code><nowiki>[[ページ名]]</nowiki></code> を参照読み込みします** <code><nowiki>{{subst::Pagename}}</nowiki></code> replaces itself with the contents of <code><nowiki>[[Pagename]]</nowiki></code>
* <code><nowiki>{{Foo:ページ名}}</nowiki></code> は <code><nowiki>[[Foo:ページ名]]</nowiki></code> を参照読み込みします
* <code><nowiki>{{:ページ名}}</nowiki></code> は <code><nowiki>[[ページ名]]</nowiki></code> を参照読み込みします
** <code><nowiki>{{subst::Pagename}}</nowiki></code> replaces itself with the contents of <code><nowiki>[[Pagename]]</nowiki></code>
If no such namespace exists, the full title is assumed to be a template:
If no such namespace exists, the full title is assumed to be a template:
48行目: 43行目:
== パラメーター ==
== パラメーター ==
To enrich the mechanism of transclusion, MediaWiki allows parameters to be passed to a template when it is transcluded. Parameters allow the template to produce different contents or have different behaviors.
ちょっとした感謝の言葉を他の利用者の[[Special:MyLanguage/Help:Talk pages|トークページ]]に挿入したい場合は、
Suppose you wish to insert a little thank you note in the [[Special:MyLanguage/Help:Talk pages|talk page]] of other users, such as:
{{Thankyou|all your effort|Me}}
{{Thankyou|all your effort|Me}}
The thank you note は、その理由(このケースでは"all your effort")と署名("Me")を持つことになります。あなたの目的は、すべてのユーザーが理由の如何を問わず、他のユーザーに感謝することができるということです。
The thank you note will have a reason (in this case, "all your effort") and a signature ("Me"). Your objective is that any user is able to thank any other user, for any reason whatsoever.
So that the note will look similar everywhere it is used, you can define a template called [[Template:Thankyou]], for example. Although the note should look similar whenever a user thanks another user, its specific contents (i.e. the reason and the signature) will be different. For that reason, you should pass them as parameters. If we ignore the remaining elements to format the box and place the image, the core content of the template will be this:
<source lang="moin">
<pre><nowiki>'''A little thank you...'''
for {{{1}}}.
{{{1}}} さんへ。
hugs, {{{2}}}</nowiki></pre>
本当にありがとう。 {{{2}}} より。
Notice the use of <code><nowiki>{{{1}}}</nowiki></code> and <code><nowiki>{{{2}}}</nowiki></code>. This is the way to identify, within templates, the parameters that will be passed in when the template is used. Note that, within the template, each parameter is surrounded by '''three''' braces: <code><nowiki>{{{ }}}</nowiki></code>. This is different from normal template name usage.
Notice the use of <code><nowiki>{{{1}}}</nowiki></code> and <code><nowiki>{{{2}}}</nowiki></code>. This is the way to identify, within templates, the parameters that will be passed in when the template is used. Note that, within the template, each parameter is surrounded by '''three''' braces: <code><nowiki>{{{ }}}</nowiki></code>. This is different from normal template name usage.
82行目: 75行目:
  <nowiki>{{Thankyou|Me|all your effort}}</nowiki>
  <nowiki>{{Thankyou|Me|all your effort}}</nowiki>
would produce this result:
{{Thankyou|Me|all your effort}}
{{Thankyou|Me|all your effort}}
88行目: 81行目:
'''Note:''' identifying parameters by order (with <code><nowiki>{{{1}}}</nowiki></code>, etc) works ''only'' with anonymous parameters. If your page identifies any parameter by number or name, as shown below, this method will no longer be available to the template which receives them.
'''Note:''' identifying parameters by order (with <code><nowiki>{{{1}}}</nowiki></code>, etc) works ''only'' with anonymous parameters. If your page identifies any parameter by number or name, as shown below, this method will no longer be available to the template which receives them.
'''Note:''' If an equal sign appears inside an anonymous template parameter, it may be interpreted as a named parameter, treating the text before the equal sign as the parameter name and the text after it as the value.
=== 番号のパラメーター ===
This is a common problem when you need to include an external link, or an HTML element with attributes (see [[phab:T16235|Task 16235]])
The workaround is to use named parameters instead, or even numbered parameters as explained in the following section.
=== 数値のパラメーター ===
To pass in parameters by number, identify each parameter when passing it:
  <nowiki>{{Thankyou|2=Me|1=your friendship}}</nowiki>
  <nowiki>{{Thankyou|2=Me|1=your friendship}}</nowiki>
この時、template <code><nowiki>{{Thankyou}}</nowiki></code> は、パラメーターの値が1ならば <code><nowiki>{{{1}}}=your friendship</nowiki></code>、2ならば<code><nowiki>{{{2}}}=Me</nowiki></code>、と設定されており、パラメーター指定は数値の降順で書きます。結果、以下のような出力となります。
This time, template <code><nowiki>{{Thankyou}}</nowiki></code> receives parameters <code><nowiki>{{{1}}}=your friendship</nowiki></code> and <code><nowiki>{{{2}}}=Me</nowiki></code>, though they have been supplied in inverse order, and produces:
{{Thankyou|2=Me|1=your friendship}}
{{Thankyou|2=Me|1=your friendship}}
130行目: 119行目:
Since no parameters were passed in, the template presents the parameters themselves, instead of their respective values. In these cases, it may be useful to define ''default'' values for the parameters, i.e. values that will be used if no value is passed in. For example, if the template contents are changed to:
Since no parameters were passed in, the template presents the parameters themselves, instead of their respective values. In these cases, it may be useful to define ''default'' values for the parameters, i.e. values that will be used if no value is passed in. For example, if the template contents are changed to:
<source lang="moin">
<pre><nowiki>'''A little thank you...'''
for {{{reason|everything}}}.
hugs, {{{signature|Me}}}</nowiki></pre>
ほんとうにありがとう。 {{{signature|私より}}}
then <code><nowiki>{{{reason|everything}}}</nowiki></code> defines that if no parameter <code>{{{reason}}}</code> is provided, then the value <code>everything</code> will be used. Similarly, <code><nowiki>{{{signature|Me}}}</nowiki></code>, defaults parameter <code>{{{signature}}}</code> to value <code>Me</code>. Now, transcluding the template again without passing any parameter, results in the following:
then <code><nowiki>{{{reason|everything}}}</nowiki></code> defines that if no parameter <code>{{{reason}}}</code> is provided, then the value <code>everything</code> will be used. Similarly, <code><nowiki>{{{signature|Me}}}</nowiki></code>, defaults parameter <code>{{{signature}}}</code> to value <code>Me</code>. Now, transcluding the template again without passing any parameter, results in the following:
<!-- strictly speaking, this example is false, because the template call was changed to obtain the desired effect - but the effect is the same if the template is defined as described -->
<!-- strictly speaking, this example is false, because the template call was changed to obtain the desired effect - but the effect is the same if the template is defined as described -->
=== Order of evaluation ===
Template parameters are fully evaluated before they are passed to the template.
So if one of your parameters is a call to another template, what is
actually passed is the expanded parameter.
<pre><nowiki>{{Thankyou|reason=visiting ({{Welcome}})|signature=Me}}</nowiki></pre>
<pre><nowiki>{{Thankyou|reason=visiting (Hi there! Welcome to this wonderful wiki.)|signature=Me}}</nowiki></pre>
before it becomes:
{{Thankyou|reason=visiting (Hi there! Welcome to this wonderful wiki.)|signature=Me}}
<!-- Can't use the actual {{Welcome}} as it's defined differently than the example definition given at the start of this page. -->
In a few circumstances, this order of evaluation makes a difference
from the alternative.  (The alternative being to check the results
of the template call to see if there are additional templates to be
First, the name of the template can be expanded at the same time and
in the same way as the parameters.
<pre><nowiki>{{Thankyou in {{preferred language}}|signature=Me}}</nowiki></pre>
might expand to
<pre><nowiki>{{Thankyou in french|signature=Me}}</nowiki></pre>
So that a template called <code>Thankyou in french</code> could display the thank you in the preferred language (however that was determined.)
Secondly, the template being called can't construct a template from pieces
to be called later.
A template that took the form
<code><nowiki>{{start of call}}{{end of call}}</nowiki></code>
would not work
<code>start of call</code> was <code><nowiki>{{Thankyou|</nowiki></code>
<code>end of call</code> was <code><nowiki>signature=Me}}</nowiki></code>.
Thirdly, the parameter being passed is expanded only once, rather than
every place the parameter is used in the template.  This is more
efficient on the mediawiki server.
Finally, the template being called can't stop the parameter from being
expanded altogether.  Even if a template only uses a parameter in some
circumstances, it will always have been expanded before the call was made.
== テンプレートの参照読み込みの制御 ==
== テンプレートの参照読み込みの制御 ==
190行目: 133行目:
* テンプレート自身をカテゴリ化する際に使用する[[Special:MyLanguage/Help:Categories|カテゴリ]]
* テンプレート自身をカテゴリ化する際に使用する[[Special:MyLanguage/Help:Categories|カテゴリ]]* 他言語版の類似したテンプレートへの[[Special:MyLanguage/Help:Links#Interlanguage links|言語間リンク]]* テンプレートの使用法についての説明文
* 他言語版の類似したテンプレートへの[[Special:MyLanguage/Help:Links#Interlanguage links|言語間リンク]]
* テンプレートの使用法についての説明文
* [[Special:MyLanguage/Help:Categories|Categorizing]] pages which include the template. ''Note:'' when changing the categories applied by a template in this fashion, the categorization of the pages which include that template may not be updated until some time later: this is handled by the {{mediawiki|Manual:Job queue|job queue}}. To force the re-categorization of a particular page, open that page for editing and save it without changes.
* [[Special:MyLanguage/Help:Categories|Categorizing]] pages which include the template. ''Note:'' when changing the categories applied by a template in this fashion, the categorization of the pages which include that template may not be updated until some time later: this is handled by the {{mediawiki|Manual:Job queue|job queue}}. To force the re-categorization of a particular page, open that page for editing and save it without changes.* Ensuring that the template's code is not executed when viewing the template page itself. Typically this is because it expects parameters, and its execution without parameters has an undesired result.
* Ensuring that the template's code is not executed when viewing the template page itself. Typically this is because it expects parameters, and its execution without parameters has an undesired result.
Everything outside <code><nowiki><noinclude></nowiki></code> and <code><nowiki><includeonly></nowiki></code> is processed and displayed normally; that is, both when the template page is being viewed directly and when the template is included in another page.
Everything outside <code><nowiki><noinclude></nowiki></code> and <code><nowiki><includeonly></nowiki></code> tags is processed and displayed normally; that is, both when the template page is being viewed directly and when the template is included in another page.
The focus is on what is inside these two tags.
Everything outside <code><nowiki><onlyinclude></nowiki></code> tags is discarded in the transclusion.
Even sections tagged includeonly are discarded in the transclusion unless they are also tagged as onlyinclude.
The focus is on what is outside this tag.
The three partial transclusion tags enable all possible combinations of what is processed and rendered.
Comments also fill a role.
== テンプレートの整理 ==
== テンプレートの整理 ==
214行目: 146行目:
# ''{{int|specialpages}}''' > '''{{int|allpages}}'''をクリック
# '''特別ページ > 全ページ'''をクリック
# '''{{int|namespace}}'''一覧で、'''Template''' を選択して'''{{int|allpagessubmit}}'''
# '''名前空間'''一覧で、'''Template''' を選択して'''表示'''
To give usage information, include an example like this one on the template page:
To give usage information, include an example like this one on the template page:
228行目: 160行目:
== Linking to a template ==
To link to a template instead of including it, use the {{tl|tl}} template.
The name of the template the editor wants to link to goes after the vertical pipe.
<code><nowiki>{{tl|navbar}}</nowiki></code> links to the {{tl|navbar}} template.
== 別のウィキへのコピー ==
== 別のウィキへのコピー ==
242行目: 167行目:
=== MediaWiki のコード ===
=== MediaWiki のコード ===
If you have import rights (Specifically importupload) on the new wiki:
If you have import rights on the new wiki:# Go to [[Special:Export]] on the original wiki, and download an .xml file with the complete history of all necessary templates, as follows:#* Enter the name of the template in the big text box, e.g. "Template:Welcome". Pay special attention to capitalization and special characters — if the template name isn't exactly correct, the export may still occur but the .xml file will not have the expected data.#* ボックス「テンプレートを含める」にチェックを入れる#* ボックス「完全な履歴は含めず、最新版のみを含める」の'''チェックを外す'''#* 「書き出し」をクリック# Go to [[Special:Import]] on the new wiki and upload the .xml file.
# Go to [[Special:Export]] on the original wiki, and download an .xml file with the complete history of all necessary templates, as follows:
#* Enter the name of the template in the big text box, e.g. "Template:Welcome". Pay special attention to capitalization and special characters — if the template name isn't exactly correct, the export may still occur but the .xml file will not have the expected data.
#* ボックス「{{int|export-templates}}」にチェックを入れる。
#* ボックス「{{int|exportcuronly}}」の'''チェックを外す'''
#* 「{{int|export-submit}}」をクリック。
# Go to [[Special:Import]] on the new wiki and upload the .xml file.
If you don't have import rights on the new wiki:
If you don't have import rights on the new wiki:# Go to [[Special:Export]] on the original wiki, and download an .xml file with the latest version only of all necessary templates, as follows:#* Enter the name of the template in the big text box.#* ボックス「テンプレートを含める」にチェックを入れる#* ボックス「完全な履歴は含めず、最新版のみを含める」にチェックを入れる#* 「書き出し」をクリック#* Open the file in a text editor and replace certain [[w:en:XML entity|XML entities]] with the corresponding characters: &amp;lt; → <, &amp;gt; → >, &amp;quot; → " and &amp;amp; → &. Because of XML syntax rules, these entities appear in the XML file, but they should not appear in the edit box of the MediaWiki instance.#* Manually copy the text inside the <code><nowiki><text></nowiki></code> tag of each listed template into a similarly named template in your wiki. In the edit summary of each template, link to the original page for attribution.
# Go to the template you want to copy from the original wiki. Go to the edit page, and copy all the wikitext
# On the new wiki, go to the page with the same name as the template you copied. Hit create/edit and paste the wikitext you copied. In the edit summary of each template, link to the original page for attribution.
# Back in the original wiki at the edit window, below the edit box, look at the list of "Templates used on this page". For each template listed follow these instructions. Also do that for any template used by any of these templates, and so on.
This will copy the entire code necessary, and will suffice for some templates.
This will copy the entire code necessary, and will suffice for some templates.
If it doesn't work also check for red links listed under "Pages transcluded onto the current version of this page:", below the edit box. If there are any repeat the above steps for these as well.
After sucessfully importing the template and all its linked templates from the other wiki, edit it to change customisations to suit your wiki. For example to change a logo, remove redundant categories or red links.
=== 拡張機能 ===
=== 拡張機能 ===
269行目: 181行目:
=== CSS および JavaScript のコード ===
=== CSS および JavaScript のコード ===
Besides MediaWiki code, many templates make use of CSS and some rely on JavaScript to work fully. If the copied templates are not behaving as expected, this may be the cause. To copy the required CSS and JavaScript to your wiki you'll normally need to have admin privileges, because you'll be editing system messages in the "MediaWiki:" namespace.
Besides MediaWiki code, many templates make use of CSS and some rely on JavaScript to work fully. If the copied templates are not behaving as expected, this may be the cause. To copy the required CSS and JavaScript to your wiki you'll normally need to have admin priviledges, because you'll be editing system messages in the "MediaWiki:" namespace.
# Look for the use of CSS classes (text like <code>class="foobar"</code>) in the template text. If those classes appear in "MediaWiki:Common.css" or "MediaWiki:Monobook.css" on the original wiki, copy those classes to "MediaWiki:Common.css" on the new wiki and check if the template is now fine.
# If the copied template is still not working as expected, check if there is code in "MediaWiki:Common.js" or "MediaWiki:Monobook.js" on the original wiki. If so, you can try copying it to "MediaWiki:Common.js" on the new wiki. Normally, it is a good idea to only copy code from trusted sources, and first browsing the code to identify and select the parts that are relevant. You may find comments that can serve as clues to identify the functionality of each part.
An experiment shows that if you include a template in itself, it won't put MediaWiki into an infinite recursion.
# Look for the use of CSS classes (text like <code>class="foobar"</code>) in the template text. If those classes appear in "MediaWiki:Common.css" or "MediaWiki:Monobook.css" on the original wiki, copy them to "MediaWiki:Common.css" on the new wiki and check if the template is now fine.# If the copied template is still not working as expected, check if there is code in "MediaWiki:Common.js" or "MediaWiki:Monobook.js" on the original wiki. If so, you can try copying it to "MediaWiki:Common.js" on the new wiki. Normally, it is a good idea to only copy code from trusted sources, and first browsing the code to identify and select the parts that are relevant. You may find comments that can serve as clues to identify the functionality of each part.
MediaWiki will find out, and stop with the template's name in bold.
For example, if the content of "Template:Aaaa" is "<code><nowiki>{{Aaaa}}</nowiki></code>", it'll show as "'''Template:Aaaa'''".
== 関連項目 ==
== 関連項目 ==
* {{ll|Help:TemplateData}}
* [[Special:MyLanguage/Help:External searches]] a template special use case example
* {{ll|Help:External searches}} 特殊なテンプレートの例
* [[Special:MyLanguage/Help:Magic words]] – fancy stuff you may find in some templates
* {{ll|Help:Magic words}} – fancy stuff you may find in some templates
* [[Special:MyLanguage/Help:Parser functions in templates]]
* {{ll|Help:Parser functions in templates}}
* {{meta|Help:Template}} – contains a much more thorough manual on how exactly templates function
* [[m:Special:MyLanguage/Help:Template|m:Help:Template]] – contains a much more thorough manual on how exactly templates function
** {{meta|Help:Advanced templates}} – describes even more advanced techniques such as dynamic template calls and variable variables
** [[m:Special:MyLanguage/Help:Advanced templates|m:Help:Advanced templates]] – describes even more advanced techniques such as dynamic template calls and variable variables
* {{meta|Help:Embed page}} – embedding pages from [[Special:MyLanguage/Help:Namespaces|namespaces]] other than <code>Template:</code>.
* [[m:Help:Embed page|m:Help:Embed page]] – embedding pages from [[Special:MyLanguage/Help:Namespaces|namespaces]] other than <code>Template:</code>.
* {{ll|Manual:Importing Wikipedia infoboxes tutorial}}
[[Category:MediaWiki for site admins{{translation}}]]

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