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1行目: 1行目:
{{TNT|PD Help Page}}
{{PD Help Page}}
7行目: 7行目:
Developing and executing bots is normally outside the role of normal users, requires programming experience and must be done in coordination with the wiki's [[<tvar|help-sysops>Special:MyLanguage/Help:Sysops and permissions</>|admins]].  
Developing and executing bots is normally outside the role of normal users, requires programming experience and must be done in coordination with the wiki's [[Help:Sysops and permissions|admins]].  
18行目: 18行目:
To access a wiki through the API a bot must have a user account, which has been granted 'bot' [[<tvar|help-permissions>Special:MyLanguage/Help:Assigning permissions</>|permissions]].
To access a wiki through the API a bot must have a user account, which has been granted 'bot' [[Help:Assigning permissions|permissions]].
=== pywikibot === <!--T:7-->
=== pywikipediabot === <!--T:7-->
[[<tvar|pywiki>Special:MyLanguage/Manual:pywikibot</>|Pywikibot]] provides a framework for the development of bots, which are commonly used to perform maintenance tasks such as adding a footer to some categorized pages ([[<tvar|pywiki-add>Special:MyLanguage/Pywikipediabot/add text.py</>|add_text.py]]), adding some [[<tvar|help-links>Special:MyLanguage/Help:Links</>|wikilinks]] ({{mediawiki|Manual:pywikipediabot/replace.py|replace.py}}), moving old contents of [[<tvar|help-talkpages>Special:MyLanguage/Help:Talk pages</>|talk pages]] to [[<tvar|help-subpages>Special:MyLanguage/Help:Subpages</>|subpages]] ({{mediawiki|Manual:pywikipediabot/archivebot.py|archivebot.py}}), editing [[<tvar|help-cats>Special:MyLanguage/Help:Categories</>|categories]] ({{mediawiki|Manual:pywikipediabot/category.py|category.py}}), or managing [[<tvar|help-templates>Special:MyLanguage/Help:Templates</>|templates]] ({{mediawiki|Manual:pywikipediabot/template.py|template.py}}).
{{mediawiki|Manual:pywikipediabot}} provides a framework for the development of bots, which are commonly used to perform maintenance tasks such as adding a footer to some categorized pages ([[Pywikipediabot/add text.py|add_text.py]]), adding some [[Help:Links|wikilinks]] ({{mediawiki|Manual:pywikipediabot/replace.py|replace.py}}), moving old contents of [[Help:Talk pages|talk pages]] to [[Help:Subpages|subpages]] ({{mediawiki|Manual:pywikipediabot/archivebot.py|archivebot.py}}), editing [[Help:Categories|categories]] ({{mediawiki|Manual:pywikipediabot/category.py|category.py}}), or managing [[Help:Templates|templates]] ({{mediawiki|Manual:pywikipediabot/template.py|template.py}}).
=== wiki-java === <!--T:9-->
=== wiki-java === <!--T:9-->
<tvar|url><span class="plainlinks">[http://code.google.com/p/wiki-java/ wiki-java]</span></> is a lightweight Java framework for bot/application development and can be used to perform various tasks, such as uploading files, adding text to articles, parsing templates, basic I/O, etc. The library also comes with simple, but powerful standalone bot methods that can be readily utilized by a programmer.
<span class="plainlinks">[http://code.google.com/p/wiki-java/ wiki-java]</span> is a lightweight Java framework for bot/application development and can be used to perform various tasks, such as uploading files, adding text to articles, parsing templates, basic I/O, etc. The library also comes with simple, but powerful standalone bot methods that can be readily utilized by a programmer.
=== Chris G's botclasses === <!--T:16-->
[[<tvar|man>Special:MyLanguage/Manual:Chris G's botclasses</>|Chris G's botclasses]] compose a PHP MediaWiki bot framework hosted at the toolserver.
== Extension alternatives == <!--T:11-->
== Extension alternatives == <!--T:11-->
* [[:<tvar|ext-massedit>Special:MyLanguage/Extension:MassEditRegex</>|Extension:MassEditRegex]] provides an alternative way to perform mass edits using regular expressions, through a special page in the wiki. Only admins can normally use this extension.
* [[:mw:Extension:MassEditRegex|Extension:MassEditRegex]] provides an alternative way to perform mass edits using regular expressions, through a special page in the wiki. Only admins can normally use this extension.
* [[<tvar|ext-replacetxt>Special:MyLanguage/Extension:ReplaceText</>|Extension:ReplaceText]] is another option.
* [[Extension:ReplaceText]] is another option.
== See also == <!--T:14-->
== See also == <!--T:14-->

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